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Rainbow Savior (Paperback)
Rainbow Savior is written from a pastor's first person perspective to a precious soul who is struggling with same-sex attraction (ssa), who has already begun embracing the homosexual lifestyle.  The hope in this book is to provide words of truth and love to speak for all who are looking for the right words to say.  Not only does this work model how to speak, but it provides Christians with answers for many of the arguments which are used to support same-sex attraction.  A unique aspect of this book is that it provides a refresher in the basics of Christian doctrine and addresses basic concepts of sin and grace while not making the discussion center on homosexuailty, as if the temptation toward that lifestyle were worse than any other temptation.  The second half of Rainbow Savior is a pastor's words to a group of God's people who have questions about how to live day-to-day lives in society - interacting with the world and other Christians-in-name - who support same-sex attraction.  Through godly counsel founded on the Scriptures alone, the author seeks to address all sorts of societal issues and wisely equip the Christian to know when to speak on this issue and when not to.  Finally, the book concludes with an encouragement on what we can do as a Christian people in light of the topic of homosexuality to point everyone to Christ and his call to repentance before the end of all things.  
Price: $12.95

(ID: RS00001)

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